Bartolo, MA. Multiscale computational model predictions in the pulmonary vasculature during pulmonary hypertension. University of California, Irvine: Chesler Group Meeting. August 2021.
Olufsen, MO, Bartolo, MA, Colebank, MJ, Chesler, NC. Multiscale hemodynamic predictions in the pulmonary vasculature. National Congress on Computational Mechanics. July 2021.
Bartolo, MA, Haider, MA, Hill, NA, Chesler, Naomi, Olufsen, MO. Numerical predictions of shear stress and cyclic in the pulmonary vasculature. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Annual Meeting: Association for Women in Mathematics Poster Session. July 2021.
Bartolo, MA, Hill, NA, Chesler, Naomi, Olufsen, MO. Multiscale computational model predictions of shear stress and cyclic stretch in the pulmonary circulation. Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineerng, and Biotransport Conference. June 2021.
Bartolo, MA, Haider, MA, Hill, NA, Olufsen, MO. Multiscale hemodynamic predictions in the pulmonary vasculature. 5th St. Andrews SofTMech Soft Tissue Modelling Workshop. June 2021.
Bartolo, MA. Multiscale Model Predictions of Mechanical Forces in the Pulmonary Vasculature. 46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference, Syracuse University (Virtual). April 2021.
Bartolo, MA, Qureshi, MU, Colebank, MJ, Olufsen, MO, and Chesler, NC. Numerical Predictions of Shear Stress and Cyclic Stretch in the Healthy Pulmonary Vasculature. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Ft. Worth, TX (Virtual). March 2021.
Frank, SD, Bartolo, MA, and Harris, DV. Analysis and automatic detection of potential Omura’s whale signals in the Indian Ocean. 178th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA. December 2019.
Bartolo, MA. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Indian Ocean. Marist College Mathematics Seminar, Poughkeepsie, NY. May 2019.
Bartolo, MA. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Indian Ocean. Marist College Celebration of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity (CURSCA), Poughkeepsie, NY. April 2019.
Bartolo, MA. Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Indian Ocean. Marist College Honors Program Thesis Exhibit (Poster Session), Poughkeepsie, NY. December 2018.